Create a Second Brain with PARA Method
Create a Second Brain with PARA Method
Diagram of Showing the Brain-flow
mermaid Chart
participant Person
participant Project
participant Area
participant Resource
participant Archive
Person->>+Project: 1. Idea, Brainstorm Projects
Project-->>-Person: 2. Schedule, Priority
Person->>+Area: Classify Projects, Split Objects
%% Area-->>-Person: Area Data
Person->>+Resource: 3. Collect Resources
Resource-->>-Person: Information, Note, Idea -> (1)
Person->>+Archive: 4. Review, evaluate Project, note, tag
Archive-->>-Person: Query, Search by tag, graph
Project->>Area: Projects aligns with Areas
Area->>Resource: Areas uses Resources
Resource->>Archive: Resource resides in Archive
%% Archive->>Area: Retrieve Archived Data
%% Archive->>Project: Retrieve Archived Data
You can use any Tool/Application such as Notion, Note Ever, Obsidian, Code, Apple Notes, Google Note, etc to create your Note Taking System.
Key Evaluations:
Notion: Great for structured notes, project management, and team collaboration due to its flexibility and database-like features.
Obsidian: Ideal for those who prefer a more text-focused, interconnected note-taking approach using markdown and local storage, syndication, Markdown code, etc.
Google Keep: Simple and intuitive for quick notes, lists, and reminders, tightly integrated with Google services.
Apple Notes: Seamless integration with Apple devices, good for basic note-taking, checklists, and syncing across devices.
Best Practices
I might right or wrong for you cases, everyone should figure out the best way to do things by their own. This is the way I am doing taking notes and creating Data Pipeline for data everything I read,hear, observe, practice, and think…
Synchronicity is the most important thing, create your ecosystem.
In my case, I am using Apple’s synchronicity.
- Integrate your brain with Apple’s synchronicity
- Collect notes via iPhone, MacBook into a datalake (Draft Section)
- Structure them to Project (Document, Dev folder)
- Model project to Key Area, Goal, Objective, add tags
- Add Resources to project
- Repeat the above process til Archive
- Using Tag and Search for query and retrieve information.